This steel structure was built for the Metreon in San Francisco.

More Metreon assemblies.Notice the arcs and angles. These pieces had to fit very closely into another structure. The size could not vary more than 1/32 of an inch and the angles had to be within 2 degrees. In addition, all the joints had to be compound cut and finished so they too would line up and fit properly.
The above stainless steel fixture was built for a food processing company. They needed a device that would hold different sized glass bottles in any position. The unit also had to have the ability to self center a bottle when it was placed on the holder.
The above prototype was built for a company that makes ozone generating ma.chines. Ozone is used in the wine industry to clean the stainless steel storage tanks and lines. This unit has an ozone spray nozzle connected to the vertical pipe. It then rolls into the wine tanks while spraying ozone mist, killing any germs and bacteria that may be inside